A Premium Approach – Dr. Aloysius Joseph Low & Bernard Chan Kwok Loong

Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe, Editorial Spotlight: Insights into the order of cataract surgery with monovision and premium IOLs, August 2017.
In cataract surgery, if you have cataract on both eyes, which eye goes first?
Choosing your presbyopia (老花) treatment – Dr. Alan Koh & Bernard Chan Kwok Loong

Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe, Editorial Spotlight: Refractive Lens Exchange 屈光晶体置换术 (RLE) vs Corneal Inlays 角膜鑲嵌, Surgeons explain their preferences for Presbyopia correction (老花), April 2017.
CRST Europe Top 20 Articles of the decade

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Laser Cataract Surgery Combined With Premium IOL Implantation, OCTOBER 2012
By Aloysius Joseph Low, MBBS, FRCS
AS OF NOW (Updates 4 years later)

Lessons Learned with LACS (Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery or No-Blade Cataract Surgery), Nov/Dec 2016
By Aloysius Joseph Low, MBBS, FRCS